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Some might ask who is “Roh” when this is obviously a website for William J Seymour, and that is an easy answer. Like the cute dog above wants you to know, it is me.
I am I.
Let me tell you a brief story about the name. Somewhere around 15 years ago, my girlfriend (now wife) got me into computer gaming. I was always an avid video gamer throughout my life, but never on computers. I grew up with the Sega’s, the Xbox, and the myriad of others in-between. Computers due to their price and knowledge needed to get it correct was more than I wanted to handle so it was easier to buy a console and play!
Meet the love of my life, get introduced to a whole new world of gaming. Of course, anyone who has ever gamed online before knows that one of the first things you do is pick a username that identifies you to everyone else. This was back in the 2000s, and like many people during that first decade of the century, Lord of the Rings was a big thing. I was not unlike all the rest.
So, picking a name became a game of trying to blend the two. An unremembered number of choices later I came up with a name that worked off the word Rohirrim. It obviously wasn’t the name I used letter for letter, but people got the point, and it quickly shortened to Roh.
Who would want to say the whole word anyway?
That short little term has stuck with me for over 15 years. I don’t game as much as I did back then, but those who do play with me when I do all know me as Roh. Why? I don’t know. It just kind of sticks with you after 15 years. Not that it’s a legal name or anything (though I’ve considered it many times), but it’s something that is kind of fun and I still use when I can. With children running around the house, my gaming days are few and far behind.
Outside of the few personal spaces like this one which are for me, it may not get used too often, but it still belongs to a part of me.
So, there is a little history on myself. Possibly tomorrow I will go over a few plans I have for the site. Update on what I’m doing and what people may actually see from me over the coming months.
But as they sometimes say, IT WILL BE REVEALED ALL IN GOOD TIME.